Sunday, June 5, 2011

Organic Coffee

Coffee Organic
Organically grown coffee is said to taste better, that is grown organically has not been subjected to chemicals of any kind. No artificial fertilizers have been used, and no toxic bug sprays have been applied. For those who are concerned about our environment, OGC is the only reasonable choice.

When coffee is grown organically, it is just so much better for the coffee farm land as well as for all of the land that surrounds the farm. Water quality is improved for the entire area where coffee farms operate.

Most coffee farms grow their coffee beans with the help of fertilizers and pesticides. Coffee farms are small and usually family operated or are cooperatively owned farms where income as well as tools, mills, mulches, and organic methods of raising beans are shared. The idea of OGC beans is to produce higher quality.

The Coffee organic  process means that the beans will simply produce a better tasting cup of coffee, and a better tasting cup of coffee is a universal pursuit of happiness.

Why people prefer to drink the organic variety?

Most of us have at least one cup of coffee every day. Consumption of Organic Coffee minimizes the risk of ingesting chemicals that are usually applied in the production of normal coffee beans. Thus, the organic variety is better for our bodies.

Does the taste differ from the regular one?

Farmers while cultivating Organic Coffee, follow the natural growth cycle and discard the use of any chemicals and pesticides, which results in rich and perfect coffee beans. The shade grown Organic Coffee, which is cultivated under a canopy of shaded trees are slowly ripened receiving the filtered sunlight, which in due course enhances the taste. There is a huge range of Organic Coffees including light roast, moderate roast, dark roast, green and various flavored coffees.

Is there any price difference?

The natural growing process of Organic Coffee requires manual effort as the utilization of mechanical farm equipment is restrained. This involvement of manpower, raise the price and hence, it is expensive in comparison to the regular one. However, some excellent Organic Coffee beans are also available online for cheaper rates. You can also avail some less common Organic Coffee online, which are not found locally.

Organic Green Coffee Beans

The red and round coffee cherries, containing the coffee beans are picked from the branch, when they are completely ripe. Then they are dried and the outer part of the dried cherry is removed. In this way the coffee beans are obtained, which are sorted by hand based on their size and density. These un-roasted green variety are exported worldwide, which are roasted afterward into light, moderate or dark roast coffee.

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